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(W/HOLE) Episode 4 – Rent


Episode four begins in a lush, wet dream-world, and ends with Special Guest’s stream-of-consciousness solo. Dressed in nothing but a gauzy robe, Evie Snax lays on on soft moss, surrounded by foliage. Papi Femme enters to find Snax wet and ready; the dreamy queers kiss, and suddenly shadowy figures (Ohms and Woolf) reach from behind the greenery to spray a gentle mist. After stuffing Snax’s mouth with flowers (and her ass with a glittering plug) Papi makes Snax squirt, and she convulses with waves of pleasure. Snax and Papi come down from their high, and (W/HOLE) shifts to Special Guest performing a stream of conscious improvisation through gesture, words and memory. She shares fragments and jumps quickly from one moment to the next, allowing viewers momentary glimpses into her physical and emotional experience.

(W/HOLE) is an evening-length film created by queer/feminist porn collective AORTA films in collaboration with performance company the A.O. Movement Collective, exploring the incredible potency of queer hedonism, specifically how the authentic performativity of kink and queer porn can evolve trauma into orgasm, and grief into politically radical, transformative, body-based joy. The film investigates the complexity of pleasure, exploring the so-called obscenity of bodies in their most tremendous capacity—their glorious, illicit humanity.

(W/HOLE) premiered at the Invisible Dog Art Center and has won Best Film (Fiction) at the Vienna Porn Film Festival, Best Feature at the Hacker Porn Film Festival in Rome, additionally screening at the London Porn Film Festival (closing film), BRIEFS erotic short film competition, BU Festival, LADYFEST Maastricht, Los Angeles Underground Film Forum, SECS Fest, and the Berlin Porn Film Festival.

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