HOUSE OF HUITLACOOCH (BEDDED III Artist) is a QTPoC-run, QTBIPoC-centered, Chicago-based kink and BDSM collective that celebrates the vibrancy of alternative representations of sex and pleasure. As a collective, we are rooted in the belief that we are all sexual beings that are worthy of sexual healing. We envision the existence of community spaces that allow us to workshop our realities free from white-centric and hetero-centric control, and by uplifting black, brown, queer, trans, fat, immigrant, and different-abled bodies in our communities, we empower ourselves to create a gender-affirming sensual-sexual galaxy that reflects all of our fetishes and desires.
HoH continues to build solidarity through DIY community-based body-positive play parties and workshops within the neighborhoods we reside. In bringing sex-based organizing to our communities, we strive to bridge the gap that exists between sex-based education and spaces, and low-income working class communities; we believe in documenting and celebrating our different sexual expressions via film, poetry, performance, and other artistic expressions; and we make the conscious effort to center our lives, experiences, and bodies in every step of our creative processes.
Scenes as performer
Scenes as Collaborators
Scenes as Crew